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2020-11-24 09:37:58
详情联系18006583339(微信同号) 热风干燥机Hot air dryer 特点: 采用均匀分散热风之高性能热风扩散装置,保持塑机干燥温度均匀,提高干燥效率 料桶内及内部零件一律不锈钢制,料桶与底部分离,清料方便,换料迅速,确保原料不受污染。 各种机型皆可提供预热定时装置,微电脑控制及双层保温料桶供选择。 采用比例式偏差指示温控器,可精确控制温度。 Features: High-performance hot air diffusion device that evenly disperses hot air is used to keep the drying temperature of the plastic machine uniform and improve drying efficiency The inside and internal parts of the material barrel are all made of stainless steel, and the material barrel is separated from the bottom. It is convenient to clean and change materials quickly to ensure that the raw materials are not contaminated. Various models can provide preheating timing device, microcomputer control and double-layer insulation barrels for selection. The proportional deviation indicating temperature controller is used to accurately control the temperature.
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