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2021-05-08 10:04:07
沅江市润成服饰有限公司成立于2017年,注册资本500万元,是一家集纺纱、织造、和整理于一体的全产业链生产企业。公司拥有德国、日本等世界领先水平的清梳联、并条机、精梳机、自动络筒机等纺纱设备,高速数码织机以及整经、浆纱、割绒等织造设备,后整理等全套生产线,主要生产纯棉精纺纱、纯棉坯布和纯棉割绒印花沙滩巾等各种毛巾系列产品,能满足各类高档纯棉毛巾不同工艺的生产需要和不同消费群体的各种需求,是沅江市规模最大、技术装备水平最高的毛巾纺织类生产企业。 公司致力于向全球市场提供品质卓越、健康环保,原生态的家纺产品。 Yuanjiang Runcheng Garment Co., Ltd. Yuanjiang Runcheng Garment Co., Ltd. was founded in 2017, the registered capital of 5 million yuan, is a collection of spinning, weaving, and finishing in one of the whole industry chain production enterprises.Company owns Germany, Japan and other world leading level of the carding, drawing frame, combing machine, automatic winder, such as spinning equipment, high-speed digital looms and warping, sizing, weaving equipment such as velvet pile, such as finishing a full set of production line, the main production of pure cotton yarn, cotton cloth and cotton velvet printing beach towel and towel series products can meet the production requirements of various kinds of high-grade pure cotton towel different process and different needs of different consumer groups, ruanjiang city is the largest, the highest technical equipment level of towel textile production enterprises. The company is committed to providing excellent quality, health and environmental protection, original ecological home textile products to the global market. 联系电话:15116739988微信同号
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