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2022-05-16 21:49:42 中国陶瓷网

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

——Leonardo da Vinci莱昂纳多·达·芬奇

Design Concept


Simplicity is the foundation of the beauty of all things. With the development of the times, the existence of "simple" is more and more loved by people. Minimalism and wabi-sabi have become the main tone of home decoration, expressing people's yearning for a simple and comfortable life.


XRC International Pavilion, simple but not random, integrates the mellow design concept, classic international products, and creates a pure space.

Rstrained Space Aesthetics


The open space layout, minimalist and restrained aesthetics, and a large area of space are left blank, showing the tranquility and inclusiveness of the space. The simple and elegant tones restrain each other, and the elegant atmosphere fills the space. Pure white, gray, and artistic paint quietly convey a tranquil atmosphere under the light, injecting a beautiful, comfortable, free and slow-paced atmosphere.


Space needs time to interpret, light and shadow are the poetry of time. The designer skillfully takes the situational experience as the basis, takes the implied elegant white and high-grade gray as the main tone, and injects modern symbolic language and form, so that the whole space can radiate a leisurely life atmosphere in a concise way. Every scene and object is full of delicate design beauty.


The pure white ladder restrains a kind of self-power. The life is rich but not addicted, the feelings are abundant but not wanton, the heart is pure, and the life is very simple.

Change and Fusion


The structure opens up space, and the accumulation of structures and materials presents an extreme state. Each product is an independent individual, and different individuals are part of the space, which merges into a beautiful chapter.

Move slowly, let go of thinking in the white world, and feel the natural language formed by different degrees of whiteness. Every corner contains the mystery of art...


Encountering the beauty of materials, exploring every product along the way, listening to its story, and every moment is a part of the space...


The splendor belongs to the plain, the hustle and bustle to the quiet, and the glitz to the simplicity. We look forward to experiencing the charm of the XRC International Pavilion with you.

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