无纺布网 — 无纺布产业链服务平台
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2021-02-24 14:16:56
我司需下列的库存无纺布:(不是一等品,要二等品,库存时间久了,或次等品,请直接工厂报价,中间商免扰,要秒杀价格,请报含税和不含税的价格,谢谢) 1: for Medical Wrap/ Sterilization Wrap: -50-60 grams -Color: Mostly blue. But could be green too. -Quantity: 1 Container at the begining. - İt will be used for sterilization - İt must be NON ABSORBENT 医疗无纺布:50-60g, 大部分为蓝色,也可以是绿色,必须是防水的,用于医用消毒包布试单:1个柜 2. for SMS: Color: Blue Weight: 40 grams Width: 160 cm Roll Length: 1.000 m. Application: Surgical gown It must be: NON ABSORBENT Quantity: 1 container at the beginning. SMS: 颜色:蓝色 克重:40克 幅宽:160CM,卷长:1000米,用于医用隔离服 必须是防水的 试单数量:1个柜 3: for Air laid Base weight per square meters: 30-40 grams Width: 40 cm and its multiples like 80 cm-120 cm quantity need: 100 tons quantity: 1 Container color: White Application: Hair towel İt must be ABSORBENT 航空湿巾:克重:30-40 gsm 幅宽:40CM 或者倍数:80CM或120CM 订单数量:100吨 白色,用于头巾 要亲水的 4: Spunlace: Base weight per square meters: 40 grams plain or embossed: Embossed Cross or flat (Both are okay) Width: 16 cm, 17 cm, 18 cm Viscose: % 30 Polyesters: % 70 -Quantity: 1 Container at the beginning一 水刺布:40g 平纹或其他纹路(EF纹,珍珠纹,网纹等),幅宽:16cm/17cm/18cm 成份:30%粘胶70%涤 试单:1个柜 5. for Sontara, Wipe: 50-75 grams Soft Flush: 50-75 grams Please let me know if you have any of these. 无纺布(卫生用品):擦拭巾:50-75gsm 要柔软 公司名称:嘉裕(东莞)科技有限公司 联系人:方生 手机或微信:13423062978 QQ: 1429508307
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