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2023-03-02 17:41:47
1.血竭为棕榈科植物麒麟竭Daemonorops draco Bl.的果实及树干中渗出的树脂。多为栽培。秋季采收。采集果实,置蒸笼内蒸煮,使树脂渗出;或将树干砍破或钻以若干小孔,使树脂自然渗出,凝固而成。打碎研末用。 Sanguis Draxonis is a resin oozing from the fruit and trunk of the palm plant Daemonorops draco Bl.. Mostly for cultivation. Autumn harvest. Collecting fruits, and steaming in a steamer to make the resin ooze; Or cut the trunk or drill a number of small holes to make the resin naturally seep out and solidify. Crushing and grinding. 2.进口血竭准入国家,老挝,马来西亚,尼泊尔,新加坡,印度,印度尼西亚等 一.进口血竭流程有哪些 1、到港;Arriving in Hong Kong; 2、换单Change orders 3、报检、报关Inspection and declaration 4、出税单the tax bill 5、交税 Pay taxes 6、验货Inspection 7、放行Release 8、提货;Pick up the goods; 9、送货至国内约定地点; 二.进口血竭报关资料 1.箱单合同 2.进出口许可证 3.原产地证 4.卫生证 5.检测成分报告 6.中药材通关单 三.进口血竭可能遇到的问题 血竭进口报关需要多少天? 进口血竭需要准备什么资料? 进口血竭清关手续复杂吗? 进口血竭关税多少? 进口血竭需要做哪些准备?
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